Frequently asked questions about this product
1. What is the difference between the specified and selected reaction force types of nitrogen springs?
Specified reaction force type: one size can specify any reaction force.
Selective reaction force type: one size corresponds to multiple reaction forces. These are literal explanations. In fact, the working principles of these series of nitrogen springs (including head-mounted universal type and head-mounted limited type) are the same. The biggest difference is the difference in the joints. Just determine the type and size of the joints.
2. If the load of the nitrogen spring is found to be not in compliance with the requirements during on-site use, can the load be adjusted by yourself?
A. Nitrogen springs cannot adjust the load by themselves. If the load needs to be adjusted, it must be sent back to our factory for professional operation.
B. The load of the nitrogen spring can only be increased, not decreased, because the nitrogen spring can only be inflated, but the gas cannot be discharged.
3. How does the reaction force of the nitrogen spring change? Is it proportional to the compression spring?
The reaction force of nitrogen springs varies differently from that of compression springs. Although the more you press down, the greater the rebound force, the load of nitrogen springs does not change much from the beginning to the end. Generally, the theoretical reaction force at the bottom = initial reaction force × (1.26~1.3). During this process, the reaction force of nitrogen springs changes in a curve.
4. How long can a nitrogen spring remain effective under long-term compression?
Under normal circumstances, the theoretical life of a nitrogen spring is about 30,000 times. A nitrogen spring can be stored for about 1 year with the piston rod placed vertically downward. However, it is worth noting that during the storage period, it must be operated once every 3 months, which can effectively ensure the service life of the gas spring. When used for the first time after a long period of storage, the friction will be greater than normal use due to the dryness of the piston rod, and it will be normal after being opened several times.